VSLA is a group of 10 – 15 people who meet regularly to save together and take small loans from those savings. Members do not have to save in equal amounts these can vary at each meeting. The purpose of a VSLA is to provide simple savings and loan facilities in a community that does not have easy access to formal financial services.
Basic features of a VSLA
Communities that were once plagued with diseases and spending on medical bills are now able to save that money in VLSAs. They provide proper, stable structures and security for money for the members. The savings are made in share formats and as such money grows.
From the money saved, VSLA group members are able to choose and start an investment project of their own. These include commercialised crop farming, apiary, goat/pig rearing and small scale businesses.
Start a Social fund
Start a social fund to help members who experience an emergency
Promoting sanitation and hygiene while growing incomes
Improving sanitation and hygiene practices and expanding access to sustainable WASH facilities requires supporting the development of social and economic opportunities. Income generating activities like small businesses, goat /pig raring, farming, are outcomes of the VSLAs in the communities. Improving sanitation and hygiene practices and expanding access to sustainable WASH facilities requires supporting the development of social and economic opportunities. Income generating activities like small businesses, goat /pig raring, farming; satopan sale, tight fitting covers and supply of hand washing facilities are outcomes of the VSLAs in the communities.