Nowamanya Savious is a resident of Karungu village, Mpungu Parish, Hamurwa Sub-county, in Rubanda District. She is married to Monday Levi and they have three children. At the time of baseline, Savious didn’t have a pit latrine, a bath shelter, a rack among others. She only had a house she was staying in. When the AWS staff asked her about the latrine, bath shelter and others; her response was that she shared with her mother in law. It was after triggering that Savious picked courage of constructing her own pit latrine, bath shelter and other facilities. She affirms that “Had it not been AWS intervention, I would still be in the darkness of poor sanitation waiting for my mother in law to put up pit latrine for us. “Hangara AWS” meaning long live AWS.
As many other households in this village, Nowamanya also struggled to fetch water up and down the hill for about 4 hours. Today, she collects her water from a Ferro Cement tank that has been constructed with help from Africa Water Solutions.