With now over five years of experience working with the rural communities of Uganda, we have seen how access to clean and safe water transforms everything.
Through partnership with district local governments and the different leadership structures such as VHTs (Village Health Teams) we are able to reach every single person and bring change.

People have been reached by 5 motorised boreholes bringing water closer
has been saved by AWS VSLAs in over 4 years
People are accessing safe water through SODIS
Schools have been trained in making reusable pads

A comparative line graph showing the relationship between SODIS practice and diarrhea among 16,050 trained households

AWS beneficiaries’ diarrhoea Trends upto the end of Quarter III

NOTE: The monitoring results reveal a significant drop in the of diarrhoea cases, from 39% at baseline, down to 1% at monitoring in Quarter III. This can be attributed to improved access to safe water, proper sanitation and hygiene practices among the beneficiaries.