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The Girl +

We Give hope and opportunity to vulnerable girls in life and in their communities a chance to make decisions about their futures, pursue an education and live their dreams.

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Advocacy & Community Transformation

Through advocacy, we position ourselves as a voice speaking for the rights of vulnerable girls in the community. We partner with the relevant stakeholders & key opinion leaders to create spaces where conversations about the plight of vulnerable girls can be heard and solutions found in the community, with a keen interest in the dangers of adolescent pregnancy.

Mpooma girls posing for a photo
Quality Education, Mentorship & Coaching

 We provide educational scholarships to the girls, which enable them to obtain a quality education and counselling sessions through which they are motivated to stay in school. The girls are in secondary schools and vocational and tertiary institutions. These provide them with knowledge and practical skills that translate into employable skills. We also provide counselling that enables them to plan for their lives.

Kamuli girls learning how to bake cakes


We equip the parents/guardians with Income Generating Projects (IGPs) such as making liquid saop, hair dressing, tailoring, poultry, piggery, hair dressing among others. 

We are amplifying girls’ voices through advocacy
By engaging with district local governments, school management committees, parents and other stakeholders, we are able reach and influence the people who make decisions. By availing school fees, scholastic materials, personal requirements, we endeavour to ensure that our beneficiaries are enrolled in secondary schools, vocational and tertiary institutions that provide knowledge and experiences that translate into employable skills thus enabling them to achieve their dreams and also contribute to the transformation of their families and communities.