Prof. Ponsiano Ochama
Prof. Ocama is an academic Hepatologist and an Associate Professor. He is Chair of the Department of Medicine, Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Kampala (U). He is a polished consultant with Mulago National Referral Hospital and Widely travelled all over the world. He has managed several grants at the department of Medicine and chaired a number of Boards for different Civil Society Organizations. Ponsiano is the current board chair of AWS and he is highly respected both nationaly and internationally for his High level of integrity, humility, desire for excellency and servant leadership. His major research interests are the Hepatocellular carcinoma in resource-limited settings. Ponsiano has also led several clinical studies focused on HIV, HBV and HCC. Previously and completed an academic research herpetology fellowship at UT-South Western under the direction of Dr. William Lee, a fellowship as a clinical research scholar on HIV and hepatitis at the Infectious Disease Institute, and obtained his PhD through Antwerp University under the direction of Dr. Robert Colebunders. He is an author who has authorised more than 35 publications.

Julius Opiso
Julius Opiso is currently persuing a PhD in Tax compliance by oil distributing companies in Uganda from Makerere University as well as a student of Association of certified Accountants of UK (ACCA) Qualification level II. Julius holds a Masters in Accounting and Finance, Bachelor in Business Administration Accounting option all from Makerere University, and a Diploma in Business Education from kyambogo University. He is currently the coordinator of field attachment in Makerere University Business School, Faculty of COmmerce and has taught accounting related courses and guided research for the last eight years. Mr. Opiso’s main research interests are in areas of Taxation, Microfinance and financial reporting in not-for profit making organizations. He managed a number of funds alloacted to the Faculty of field attachment. Mr. Julius Opiso is a consultant and has conducted a number of trainings on accounting for donor funded projects both in Uganda and at international level (Kenya electricity regulatory authority-Kenya and Malawi electricity regulatory authority-Malawi), treasury management for central government of Kenya, installed and set an accounting system for Capital shoppers’ supermarkets Nakawa & Ntinda – Uganda and Ministry of Finance Planning & Economic Development-Uganda. Currently he is Finance & audit advisor of Africa Water Solutions.

Coming soon…

Eng. Asaph is a construction engineer with a very rich experience in private business enterprise. He is the CEO of FeN-Mak Building solutions ltd, a construction company that has stood the test of time in Uganda with proven results. Asaph is a board member of Africa Water Solutions (AWS). His professional background gives AWS opportunity to champion community social enterprise approaches, which is very ideal for community, ownership and program sustainability of projects such as Gravity Driven Membrane system (GDM). Additionally AWS will continue to benefit from Eng. Asaph in regard to his technical experience in construction which is very relevant in the establishment of GDM water Kiosks and Rain Water Harvesting as she transforms communities through WASH. His business skills and lobbing abilities will enable AWS to mobilise resources for her program and build a business like social enterprise and charity organisation.

Edith is an educationist, proprietor of Rena Schools, businesswoman with chain of businesses and a Human resource practitioner. She is an advocate for children’s Excellency through education and a champion of menstrual hygiene for a girl child. She has vast experience in governance and oversight leadership that she has effectively executed in her leadership with different institutions